Good Parenting Tip for Working Moms & Dads

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Every Kid's A Genius: Lesson 1 - The only music smart kids listen to.

9 to 5 Parenting

The Best Parenting Tip You Could Ever Find

Parents…if you’re taking care of young kids, there is an easy way to get some quality, productive time in and start breaking some of those bad parenting habits.

The Daily Grind of a Working Parent

As this world gets faster and faster, sadly the amount of time we allocate to our children gets shorter and shorter, and this is not on purpose. I know you work an 8-hour job which is really 9 hours when you include your lunch. You spend about a combined 3 hours in your car dropping off your child, getting to work, and then picking up your child after work all before finally making it back home.


Numerous studies suggest that your children should get anywhere from 10 to 13 hours of sleep each day, but let’s keep the number simple and focus on the 10 hours. Already between sleep and your normal daily routine that’s 22 hours.

9 hours of work + 3 hours in the car + 10 hours of sleep = 22 hours

WOW 22 hours! That only leaves 2 hours for focused interaction with your child. Those parents that can fight through the intense feeling of being tired and truly maximize those remaining 2 hours to give their children educational, physical, and emotional guidance are able to give their child a tremendous head-start in life.

The True Worth of Your Child’s Time

Another interesting fact is the average early-childhood teaching assistant earns an annual salary of $10,500 while the highest paid early-childhood educators earn an average $18,000 per year. So we pay these educators the least amount of money yet hold them to unreal expectations. Now here you may say, well the amount of money they make shouldn’t determine the amount of effort these educators put into my child. This is true, but let us look at our own behavior.

Think about the last job position that you held where you felt that the job didn’t adequately pay you. How was your effort day in and day out? Did you give it your all everyday? Did you ever think things like, “they don’t pay me enough” or “that’s not in my job description“? If you’ve ever thought this way, this doesn’t make you a bad person. The average worker is indeed motivated by money to survive.

If surviving is hard, then others areas in your life will take a hard hit as well. Unfortunately, performance is one of the main areas that is affected. Let’s be real here! What your child needs they will not always get from the school systems / programs. This is why it comes down to you maximizing your time and effort.

The Relief

At Every Child Wins our goal is maximizing your time and helping with the education of your children in a fun and exciting way that promotes bonding between the child & parent and that is affordable. I mean come on, I know at some point we have all heard our favorite song come on the radio while heading home and started singing away. Then as we listen to the lyrics we realize, uh ohh, maybe I shouldn’t listen to this. Next you gaze back at your child and you can see that little precious head bobbing just like yours and you’re like, aww man it’s too late.

Well, all that can stop now because we are providing you with educational music that you can both bob your head to and at the end of the day know proudly that your child is learning. Best off all, those 3-hour car rides can be put to good use with Every Kid’s A Genius: Lesson 1.

The Lasting Effects

How effective is this you ask? Well just think back to your favorite song of all time. Do you remember it? Of course you do as well as a ton of other songs you may not even like.

Give your child a head start and learn with them today, but that’s only if you want their next favorite song to be something you are proud of. Remember, every child wins with Every Child Wins.

If you have any hacks to spend more hours in the day to maximize time with your children, please share them in the comments below. It was said that even Bruce Lee as a parent would play training games with his kids so that he could both workout and have fun with them.

Every Kid's A Genius: Lesson 1

The music that helps kids reach higher levels of intellectual achievement.

Turn your typical commute to an all out jam session with your kids. See the smiles on their faces and beam with pride as you supply them with the right tools for a bright and successful future.
Hey, I just wanted to tell you I listened and my children and I love it🎉🎉🎉🎉 It was so genius. You have an amazing mind. Both my children have been asking to hear it when we get in the car. I wish you much success🎉🎉🎉🎉
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