How To Boost Your Baby’s IQ While Pregnant
Attn: Your child can be intelligent. A wise man once said, “You can’t control ugly, but you can control intelligence.” The good part is, you don’t have to wait until your child is born. You can boost your baby’s IQ right now while in the womb.
A New York public school study found that children that stayed in the womb longer (by a few weeks) have exhibited higher IQs and better academic test scores.
Whether they are in the womb longer or not, let’s make the most of that time.
We’ve put together a list of things that have been documented to increase your baby’s IQ while in the womb.
“A day without laughter is a day wasted.”Charlie Chaplin
Did you know that laughter decreases stress while promoting the growth of infection-fighting antibodies? Me neither, but it’s true. And it feels great to have a nice belly laugh. Laughter puts everyone in a great mood and you can even burn a few extra calories.
Do whatever you can to keep a smile on your face daily. Take comfort in knowing that every time you laugh, your baby’s IQ is being raised.
Positive Thinking
There’s an old saying,
“Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
So it’s safe to imply that positive thoughts lead to a positive life. To put it in another way…if mommy is worried, baby is worried.
That can’t be good for a baby’s IQ, can it? No!
Scientists have discovered that chronic stress can damage the brain, which leads to your baby’s IQ being decreased. The good news is that we can easily begin to eliminate stress through meditation, positive affirmation, and by separating ourselves from the things or people that cause us the most stress.
You now have a valid excuse for getting out of unwanted obligations, it’s to boost your baby’s IQ. Also there’s a great article on having the perfect day everyday over at IncomeDiary that you should check out.

Parents are a baby’s blueprint to being a human being. This starts in the womb because a baby hears what you hear and reacts to what you react to.
By a mother bettering herself, an unborn child can pick up many positive behaviors. Those behaviors include: a sense of accomplishment, self-control, focus, critical thinking, and many more. These are all skills that we hope to possess as an adult.
So you can boost your baby’s IQ by boosting your own IQ. As a result you’re setting your baby up with the tools necessary for a successful future.
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

This goes without saying, but I will say it anyway. It’s important to include whole plant-based foods and not just simply relying on vitamins.
Fresh fruits are packed with all the essential vitamins and minerals. They are easily digestible and quickly absorbed into the body. The consumption of raw, natural produce even reduces the risk of many ailments. Organic is best. If money is an issue, organic bananas are very affordable in the US and packed with everything the human body needs.
Just like fruits and vegetables, babies are made of over 75% water. This will give all of their little tiny baby cells hydration and nourishment aiding in their development. A clear-headed baby means it has more time and energy to focus on learning new things thus leading to a higher IQ for your precious little one.
Who doesn’t like music?

The best songs make us dance, put us in a better mood, and are just pleasant to listen to. Music calms the mind, promotes appreciation for harmony, and increases overall brain function to all listeners.
So you can turn up, get loose, and have fun while boosting your baby’s IQ. Just don’t be one of those pregnant women in the night club.
This begs the question…What music should you play to boost your baby’s IQ? In the spirit of keeping mommy happy and relaxed, whatever mommy enjoys. However, there is a lot of music that is inappropriate for kids. Well it’s not the music itself that’s bad, but the lyrical content. Just to be safe, if you don’t think it will raise a 2-year old baby’s IQ, then you probably shouldn’t rely on it to raise your unborn baby’s IQ either.
Try our award winning product Every Kid’s A Genius: Lesson 1. It’s educational music that teaches your child the alphabet, counting, spelling, colors, and more. But it’s 100% annoyance free, meaning it won’t drive you crazy like other music for kids. In fact it sounds just as good if not better than today’s top 40 hits. You’ll definitely want to twerk to #2.
The Bonus Booster
These tips not only work well for boosting a baby’s IQ, but will work well for anyone to create a more positive environment for themselves.
…And no one wants to leave a positive environment, which supports that New York public school study by keeping the baby in the womb longer leading to an extra way to boost a baby’s IQ. Ah haaaaaaa.